Amid Extra Containers and Labor Shortages Ports are Turning to AR+AI for Container Inspection

Between an extra 8 million shipping containers since before COVID and a massive labor shortage, ports are searching for new ways to increase productivity. They are turning to our AR+AI glasses for container inspection.

Worker using our AR+AI glasses' digital workflow for container inspection.
Our AI-powered AR smart glasses increase container inspection efficiency by as much as 30% (as reported by clients). Our smart glasses enable inspectors to complete inspections via voice commands while keeping their hands free. Previously, they had to look up and write down the codes representing problems, but our natural language processing converts everyday language into the proper codes.

They can also use our AR glasses to take photos or videos for documentation. By automatically filing reports, inspectors save time entering data from checklists into their computer systems.

X-Craft is 5G enabled, allowing them to integrate it into their private 5G network. This allows them to access documents and upload reports in near real-time.

Don’t let inefficiency create bottlenecks. Book a demo to find out how our AR + AI solutions can transform your operations.

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